2025 Upcoming Youth Events 2025
Regatta Practices
Let's get ready to race!!! Sailors will receive coaching on boat handling, sail trim, rules, tactics, and basic strategies. They should be competent at rigging and require little instruction as it pertains to basic navigation skills.
Held the following Saturdays from 9 a.m.- 4 p.m. Lunch included! sign up here
Spring: March 22, March 29, May 10
Fall: September 13, September 27, October 4, October 18
Summer Camps
Sailing camps are available for all skill levels, ages 8 - 14.
Register early as camps fill up fast!
June 2-6, 2025 Summer Camp 1
June 9-13, 2025 Summer Camp 2
June 16-20, 2025 Summer Camp 3
June 23-27, 2025 Summer Camp 4
Pirates of the Corinthian Regatta
The Dallas Corinthian Yacht Club’s annual TSA youth circuit regatta is scheduled for
October 11-12, 2025
Our Youth Boats
The Optimist Affectionately known as the “Opti”. This is a small single-handed dinghy, about 7.5 ft long, that looks like a "bathtub." This is the perfect boat for new sailors up to age 15 and up to 130 pounds. The skills learned on the Opti can translate to other boats as they grow and gain experience. The Opti is sailed in over 120 countries with more than 150,000 boats registered by the International Sailing Federation. DCYC Youth Opti sailors compete in the Texas Sailing Association and the US Optimist Dinghy Association. The Opti offers a GREEN fleet where children can receive instruction while competing in their first sailboat races. Once they feel confident in their racing skills they can move up to the RED, WHITE, and BLUE age-based fleets.
The RS Tera is a fast and exciting single-hander that has been a World Sailing International Class since 2007. This 9.5 foot boat is packed with features that make sailing safe and easy for kids 65 to 150 lbs. It comes up dry from a capsize and is quick and simple to rig. The RS Tera is a part of the RS Sailing North America Class Association. This boat is new to the Texas area and DCYC is proud to have one of the first competitive fleets!